Thursday, March 13, 2014

Procrastinating=Stress/Panic/Ahhhhh..Catch Up

Everything is always easier said than done. As expected, this class has been a lot of work, but keeping up with the work rather than procrastinating can relieve a lot of stress. I have been trying my best to keep up with everything. I have allowed for some assignments to slip into my procrastination section of my brain even though I have written close to 20 "to do" lists for myself. 

Chapter 7, the age preference inventory and several videos on the eclass have been included in my procrastination list. I actually have read, completed and viewed the above assignments, I just have put off my blog about them. Oops! So, here is my catch up blog.

Chapter 7 I felt was very valuable to read. I learned that having Social Studies Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is powerful for a Social Studies curriculum and goals. Five planning activities for PCK include:
1. Choosing important essential questions for your students.
2. Matching the instructional strategies to the chosen questions.
3. Identify different strategies that support and help students develop Social Studies concepts.
4. Identify different strategies for the understanding of Social Studies language.
5. Match the instructional strategies to the depth of the concept.skill taught. 

As suggested above, there are several strategies that support meaningful learning: questioning and cooperative learning.
Questioning: learning begins with questions-types of questions (open/broad questions, key questions, narrow/closed questions), need to wait longer for students to answer questions rather than answering for them. Questions should be planned ahead in relation to the lesson/activity.
Cooperative: student cooperation. Cooperation should be integrated into the lessons, and you should explicitly teach group process skills (as we did in our fieldwork).

There are several dimension that support meaningful learning: clarity, variety, task orientation and student engagement. If students are not engaged, then they are not learning. I feel that student engagement is one of the most important pieces of any successful lesson. I would also like to add classroom management as a key component to meaningful learning. If the classroom is managed properly, learning can occur. Classroom management includes: planning ahead, giving directions, distributing materials in different ways, being organized, how students are grouped, identified and taught classroom rules, lesson smoothness, and assessment. 

Chapter 7 was very insightful and highly suggest everyone reads it!

What age do you prefer?
I took the age preference inventory. I first thought that I knew exactly what age group I preferred, but this inventory told me a differently. I have always wanted to teach second grade since I was in second grade, and I was positive that I would never want to teach middle school, then I became a substitute teacher. I have recently found a new found love for 5th and 6th grade. I was shocked, but it was good to learn that I did not fear middle school as I originally assumed. Also, after years of being a camp counselor, subbing for preschools, babysitting younger children and volunteering at preschool events, I thought I would love to teach five and six year old's, but lately I find that I sometimes lack the patience for that age group and anything younger...yikes! So, I go into this age preference inventory believing I am meant for the 9-14 age group to only find that I scored the highest on the 5-8 age range. I scored a 72.9% for 7-8 and 68.57% for 5-6 age group. I was a little shocked by the 5-6, but not the 7-8 because that was the age group I always originally wanted to teach. Okay, so some survey thing told me I prefer 5-8 age group, but does it mean anything? I do not personally believe that this survey holds massive value over our personal preferences of age group. Every year we get a new class, and each year that class will be different. Some good, some awful. Just take the good with the bad. I would consider taking additional surveys and inventories like this one to get a more finalized idea of what I prefer. I can not wait to read my fellow classmates results for the survey! I hope all of you decide to take it and blog about your results.

Eclass Videos
If you are having difficulty understanding the different types of lessons (direct, inquiry, cooperative) or the efolio, edtpa tasks, look at the videos on eclass. I found them to be very beneficial. They are examples of what we should be doing. This is new for most of us. Utilize the examples!

Procrastination? I do not think so. It is an evil that can cause you to go insane all because you put something off for hours that turn into days that turn into weeks. I am finally caught up on blog posts for required readings, eclass videos, reflections on class, reflections on fieldwork and just general thoughts. I could not imagine waiting till April to complete all the blog posts and I am looking procrastination in the face, with the weather slowly getting warmer, sunnier and nicer, and I am telling procrastination adios! 


1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you actually think you are a procrastinator. I have seen few students in the Mount Saint Mary College take pride in their work the way you do. If you think you procrastinate? I do not know what the hell everyone else is doing. I am glad your thinking motivates you.

    I love the dialog you have with the readers throughout your blog...its as if you are speaking to them directly. Essentially, it sounds like a genuine blog. I hope you get to enjoy some time off, but I am sure you get so much pleasure out of subbing and working with the little ones!
