Sunday, March 2, 2014

Inquiry...A Debatable Method of Instruction

Inquiry is one of the required methods of instruction we all need to use in our unit plans for class. But who knew that this method could be a debatable issue? As I continue on my journey to completing my Masters, I am constantly facing opposing opinions from my professors. To use inquiry or to not use inquiry? That is the debate. 

In one of my classes, the professor provides abundant information against the use of inquiry. Then I come to Dr. Smirnova's class and she has us conduct an inquiry lesson. My mind is confused. So...what do we do? I think that as an educator you need to use what works best for your specific group of students and for your preference. I personally enjoy using inquiry. I believe that if you are confident using a certain method and you are able to make it work for your students, then that is what you should do. The answer: Do what works for you and your students. The end.

Okay, so what is inquiry?

5 E's:
Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate.
Inquiry is similar to the scientific method. A question is posed, the class/students create a hypothesis, they explore, collect evidence/information, form a conclusion and explain. 

Inquiry is a fun way for students to is taught and carried out properly. With any method, the way it is taught and carried out within the classroom ultimately influences the success of the lesson. 

Inquiry...try it! (citation for images from google)


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