Thursday, March 6, 2014

Done with Fieldwork...Feeling Accomplished!

Fieldwork has come to a close! Everyone can now relax and reflect on their experiences. I really enjoyed the entire fieldwork experience and I learned a lot from my own teaching and the teachings of my peers. I chose this quote because it ultimately sums up how I felt from the fieldwork. We were teaching the students, but in return they ultimately taught us how to be better teachers. It was a beneficial learning experience all around!
As we do in class, I will give three pluses and a wish for each groups teaching as part of my reflection.

Group 2: Dan, Christine & Tara
Topic: 3 Branches of Government
Group 2 I really enjoyed your unit. I was fully engaged and I learned a lot from watching all three of you teach. I would use your group as the model group for teaching to the Direct Instruction, Inquiry and Cooperative lessons. 

+ All three of you worked exceptionally well together. You helped each other when necessary and jumped in to support the students learning.
+ All three of you modeled/provided examples and incorporated several techniques we have learned in other classes together such as choral reading. Good job.
+ Your unit tied all together. It was consistent with your topic of the three branches of government. You all also had cute little teacher ideas within your lessons that I want to "borrow" for my future lessons (branches of government sticks [Dan], example of food in relation to inquiry [Christine], and the GROUP acronym for cooperative lesson [Tara]).
* My wish: I wish I could watch you three teach again for a different topic so I can see all of your skills transfer across subjects. 

Group 3: Brittany, Kendra & Jess
Topic: Industrial Revolution
Group 3, I really enjoyed your topic, it has always been one of my favorite topics in American History. Your topic flowed nicely into the three lessons. 

+The students were fully engaged in the topic. I liked that all three of you constantly asked questions throughout teaching. I want to steal your "stop and ponder" question slides for my own lesson!
+ All three of you were aware of your use of "guys" which has been a topic of discussion throughout fieldwork. Even when "guys" was used, you three were aware of it and corrected it shortly after. 
+ I loved the cooperative lesson idea! The kids definitely enjoyed coming up with their own inventions and presenting them as a commercial to the class! All three of you were very involved in helping the students during this lesson.
* My wish: I wish you girls had more time for your lessons, because almost all three of you seemed rushed.

Group 4: Kate, Dan and Tara
Topic: Civil War
Group 4, under the circumstances, I really learned the most from watching this unit because of the flaws. Dan and Tara, thanks for volunteering to help Kate with her unit plan. It was nice to see that our class is willing to take time from their hectic busy schedules to work with peers. Kate, for your first time teaching, you were of course obviously nervous, but this was a great learning experience for you!

+ The topic chosen was very interesting to the students. They were really engaged in the North vs. South.
+ The students really enjoyed the inquiry lesson. They chose their hypotheses and had a lot of fun proving them through exploration.
+ Tara, you jumped in to ask questions during Kate's "direct instruction" which was a great teaching moment. You realized the need for questioning and the need to give Kate a break because she was struggling. It is moments like these that makes us great educators and team members.
* My wish: I wish Kate had the opportunity to work in a full unified group and was able to construct and conduct the full unit plan.

Overall, fieldwork has been a memorable experience. I learned a lot from watching my peers teach. I really enjoyed working with my group, Mrs. Perk at Bishop Dunn and especially with the students.


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