Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week 3 Required Reading Reflections

Week 3 readings included several links on the Moodle and ch. 12 from our text. I really enjoyed chapter 12 from the text. I understand Geography better now. A note of importance about geography are the 5 themes: location/position on earth's surface, place/natural and cultural characteristics, relationships within places/humans/environments, movement/humans interacting on the earth and regions/how they form and change. Geography is part of the educational standards, so it is important as future educators to be familiar with geography. It is important to teach geography beyond location and into relationship and movement. Geography is introduced in both social studies and science in the elementary school curriculum, giving educators multiple opportunities to discuss geography. The text stated two main characteristics of "powerful geography curriculum: 1-the organization of geographic information and 2- the involvement of students in minds-on learning through inquiry and the use of inquiry skills" (Sunal, pg. 382). I really liked this because I believe in inquiry and hands on education in all content areas.

In Roger T and David Johnson's article, Two Heads Learn Better Than One, they explain cooperative learning and make several interesting and valid points. First I like that they pointed out the three interaction patterns of students: competition, individualistically and cooperatively. Competition is found to be the most used. They then explain cooperative learning. Specifically, cooperative learning is much more than having students work in groups. It is a "we all sink, we all swim" type of learning. There is a common goal within the group that each individual needs to reach by helping each other reach the goal. There is individual accountability. After reading this article, I realized that for most of my education career my teachers had us work in groups not collaboratively, but rather just next to each other. How disappointing. There is a lot of research supporting cooperative learning on the link for this article.

The NSTA site/link on Moodle provided a break down of various learning and teaching methods. It is worthwhile for everyone to take a look at.

There are also five key elements in cooperative learning:
1. Positive Interdependence-mutual goals
2. Individual Accountability-"learn together, perform alone"
3. Face-to-face interaction-students encourage and help each other in their learning
4. Interpersonal and small group skills-learning both academic content and social skills
5. Group Processing-analyzing the group dynamic

The suggested readings for week 3 were extremely useful. I highly suggest everyone read or at least take a look at the linked sites on the Moodle for week 3! I feel much more comfortable and understanding of cooperative learning and geography after the readings.


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