Sunday, February 2, 2014

Smirnova Sunday

Hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend. It is so nice to have some warmer weather. I have read the PDF files on the Moodle, the multiple links for reading under week 2 and chapter 14 from our text. Here are some of my thoughts on the readings and my homework journey:

Chapter 14 explored assessments and evaluations. There is a difference between assessment and evaluation. Assessment is "collecting evidence of learning as you journey toward accomplishing your learning objectives. Evaluation comes after your complete the journey and ascertain how well that journey met your expectations" (textbook, pg. 448).  As educators we are constantly assessing, but many forget to evaluate the assessments. It is also important to note that assessment and evaluating is a collaboration with the teacher, students and family of the student.
Within the text and several of my classes, I learned the value of teaching the students how to self-assess. As college students, most of us understand self-assessment. Self-assessment can be used outside the classroom and into daily life.
The text followed the PDF files and additional linked readings on the Moodle in regards to rubrics. Rubrics are important when "identifying the content presented, the quality of the performance/presentation of information, skills and values" (text. p. 456). I like to view rubrics as the guidelines for the assignment for our students. Hit all the guidelines on the rubric, the student should do well on the assignment. The students need to believe that the rubric guidelines are valid and will not change.
The modes of assessment portion of ch. 14 listed several options: checklists, individual portfolios, interviews, classroom websites, journals, quality circles, self-evaluation reports, the letter to __ and the self study. My personal favorites are the individual portfolios (which reminds me of our Moodle site) and journals.
From the PDF's I learned a lot about the different forms of test questions (multiple choice, binary and essay) and the various elements under each main test type. In multiple choice the use of negatives within the stem should be avoided and the options for answers should include at least 3 choices. M/C is good for measuring terminology and assessing reasoning. Binary choice (true/false) explained that long sentences should be avoided. I agree. As a test taker, long questions often confused me. "Matching items measure the extent to which the students know related facts, associations and relationships" (PDF ch. 8). Constructed response assessments  include completion, short answer and essay questions. These are the most time consuming questions and assess deep understanding and reasoning. The issue with essays is scoring student responses. We have to be sure to remain unbiased when grading.

If you haven't view Dr. Smirnova's ppt on authentic assessment, you should! It is adorable and nicely explains assessment in more understandable terms than the text and additional links on the Moodle.

For week 2, we all had to create tests based on the PDF chapters and chapter 14. I have completed my test. Make sure to check it out. After creating the first few questions and watching the tutorial, I found the Google form to be easy. I usually used Microsoft word to make my tests, what a process. This was much easier.

Hope everyone enjoys their Super Bowl Sunday. See everyone Wednesday!

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