Friday, February 7, 2014

Virtual Classroom: A+

I will admit, I was very opposed to a virtual class. I have heard educators talk about teaching via Skype or virtually online. BUT!!! you should never knock something until you try it. Wednesday (2/5), due to the snow Dr. Smirnova held class online. At first I thought I would hate it, but a few minutes into it I realized it was awesome. I was in the comfort of my own home, pajamas on and dinner in front of me while attending class. It can't get much better than that! Okay, there are some flaws to online class: connection problems, not everyone having a webcam/microphone and the full interaction you get when you go to class. Overall, I really enjoyed the virtual class, and for those students who missed class...shame on you, because you really missed out on a worthwhile experience and you missed valuable information from class.

I am so glad we went over the rubrics and information for the unit, considering my group goes first and the due date is vastly approaching. I am a little nervous about Wednesday to present my lesson, but I am sure my group will do great and we will have the support of our teacher and peers. Support within the classroom from the teacher and peers is vital to success for all students k-college.

Overall, I really enjoyed the online class! Hope those that attended felt the same.

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