Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What's Inside? Artifact Bags

This week in class we conducted our artifact bags project, played "Kahoot", and discussed Geography. 

We also played a few games on the website "Kahoot". The site allowed for teacher-made questions (like a mini-quiz) to be created and all the students log on at the same time using a pin. Then the quiz begins and you have to try to answer correctly as fast as possible. I had so much playing this game. It was a great review on the Native American tribes we just conducted the week before. The competitive aspect of it was also engaging because it made me challenge myself to beat my peers. Chris and I plan to use "Kahoot" for our current events project and I will definitely be using the site again when teaching.

The artifact bags project was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed creating the sources, the bags and presenting my bags to my peers. Artifact bags are very hands-on and educational for students. I really enjoyed becoming a detective/historian and investigating Dr. Smirnova's artifact bags. We were able to learn a lot about her in a short amount of time. Though I would usually think of an artifact bag in relation to Social Studies, I now see that it could be used across all subjects and as a "get to know me" activity! Artifact bags allow for students to connect to the content. I will definitely use artifact bags in my future classroom.

We also read and discussed Geography. Geography is often quickly passed over in teaching, but it is extremely important to learn. As an educator, I will try to help my students have a better understanding of geography and its importance.

As discussed in class, I will utilize Google Earth to teach my students about geography by visually seeing and discussing various regions. We also did a quick but interesting activity. We each had a turn "hugging" a stuffed globe. We then had explain how the class has influenced our thoughts about Social Studies, specifically Geography, how we plan to teach based on what we have learned so far in the class and how we will help change the environment. I really liked hearing everyone's points of views. Personally, I used to hate technology but taking this class has opened my eyes to a whole new technology perspective. I realize that technology is everywhere, especially for our students. They live in a technology based world. I will try to incorporate technology in my lessons, maintain the students engagement, make learning hands-on, memorable and connective to the students lives. I felt this quick activity really made me think about how this class has changed me!

I really enjoyed this weeks class. I learned a lot and was able to review some thoughts I had kept in the cobwebs of my brain about teaching and technology. I am very excited to utilize technology, artifact bags and "Kahoot" in my classroom.

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