Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Bullying: No Laughing Matter

Bullying is a serious issue. Schools have increasingly adapted "no bullying/anti-bullying" policies to ensure that students are not bullying, but the policies do not contain the bullying that occurs online. It is easy for bullying to spread like wildfire. One internet post leads to continuous likes, sharing and commenting. There is often no way for a person to escape being bullied online. Bullying can ruin a person's life, as it has done in the past with children killing themselves as a means of escape. So, what to do about online bullying? One way the article suggests is to monitor cyber behavior of the students by not only the school but by the parents of the students. Having active conversations at home and in school are also ways to work on bullying. 

There are a lot of videos and movies on bullying. Here is just one example of bullying. 

I remember when I was in high school and a student continued to get bullied by a group of students. Then one day another student stood up for the kid being bullied. Everyone clapped their hands. Watching this made me feel happy and influenced me to stand up for others when I see things being wrongly done. 

Bullying: It is no laughing matter!

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